Charlotte Murray

Feb 24, 20203 min

We Interrupt our Regularly Scheduled Programming...

Blogging a series doesn't always run in a straight line. Does anything ever run in a straight line? Ever? Not much.

So even though I am spending February talking about the creative process, and ways to overcome blocks and rediscover our creativity, I also want to talk about something else. Isn’t that just like a creative? I am always juggling several things at once – Like most women I know!

Books. That is what is on my mind. I recently joined a book club and several titles were tossed around and we settled on one to start. I decided to order two of the ones we decided upon, but only the second one came in quickly. The one we are to read over the next few weeks didn’t come till a day ago. So, I am 429 pages into a 564-page, book that I am not even supposed to be reading yet.

The Weight of Ink by Rachel Kadish. Here’s what I have to say: Complicated, and worth it – like the heroine and many women I know. This book will stay with me forever, I am sure. It is keeping me up later than I want to be, and urging me to get back to it as soon as possible. It may not be a book for everyone; it has philosophy, wisdom, and a glimpse of history we do well to not soon forget.


Talking to Strangers. Two words for you: Malcolm Gladwell. He is always riveting for me. I love his research. His amazing ability to not just “think outside the box,” but his uncanny way to turn the box on it’s side and examine inside it’s walls. Never a dull moment for me when I pick up a Malcolm Gladwell. Outliers, David and Goliath, Blink, Tipping Point: All are fascinating reads.


The Run Walk Run Method by Jeff Galloway. I mentioned Jeff Galloway on my January 1 blog. It was a way of introducing “would be” exercisers to a method of run-walking their way to health. A few weeks ago I registered for my second half-marathon, The Donna Run (A Breast Cancer Marathon named for Donna Deegan, a three time survivor of breast cancer) and caught up with Mr. Galloway at the Race Expo. I chatted briefly with him, got a picture, and purchased this book. I am fascinated with the "run walk run" method that has literally changed my life and the lives of so many others. I got to snap a picture with Donna just before the race and finished my second half marathon!

Donna Deegan Me, After Finishing! Jeff Galloway


The Red Sea Rules, by Robert J. Morgan. I have just begun this as part of a Girls Bible Study at our Church. The subtitle is “The Same God who led you in will lead you out,” reiterates my belief that even in our trials God has a purpose and a path for our good and His glory. I am excited to see how his reading of Exodus 14 will encourage us n this very thing. A helpful book for all of us, because if the "Red Sea" of our lives is not in the rear view mirror, it may just be beyond the bend ahead, or we are in the midst of it.

So that’s where I am these days – with everything else that is going on in life – homeschooling, painting, household duties, orthodontist appointments, and planning a trip to Paris. I am juggling 4 books and really enjoying them!

What’s on your nightstand?

Joyfully Interrupted,
